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1.The country says that the investment of US $14 million is big enough for developing that country’s chip industry.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

2.That country gives top priorities to developing chips for military purposes.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

3.Although the licensing fees are not very high, that Far Eastern country cannot afford to pay.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

4.Many western countries ban the exporting of the most advanced chip-making technologies to that country to prevent them from being used for military purposes.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

5.Currently, almost all the flagship chipmakers in that country are owned by American investors.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

6.Mainstream chip production technology develop rapidly.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

7.More than 10 chip plants being built in that country are an example of self-reliance.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned


1.B 本题给出的信息是错误的。最后一段说到,如果新建的芯片中心能在改善该国在芯片行业的被动形势中起重要作用,该国认为:“... the US $14 million investment is still rather *** all”。

2.C 文章没有提供这方面的信息。

3.B 文章提到专利费较高,此句说较低,与原意不符。

4.A 本题给出的信息是正确的。第二段有这样一句话:Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments don’t allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes.这就是选A的依据。

5.C 文章没有提供这方面的信息。

6.A 选A的依据是第三段之一句:... mainstream chip production technology shifts from one generation to the next every three to five years ...

7.B 本题给出的信息是错误的。第四段第二句说明,这些芯片工厂的技术主要是从日本和新加坡进口的。



该中心将会应用自己的研究技术和设施,为本国芯片厂家开发新技术。这个国家名列首位的芯片制造公司说,芯片中心的成立可能使这个国家摆脱从他国购买即将淘汰的.技术的困境。由于许多外国 *** 担心先进技术会被用于军事目的,不允许这个国家的芯片生产厂家进口前沿技术,所以这些生产厂家处于一种被动局面。另外,由于这些芯片生产厂家必须向技术提供者支付高额的许可费,这也构成了他们决定要自力更生的一个重要原因。

由于主流芯片生产技术每隔 3~5年就要进行更新换代,所以掌握了新技术的厂家就可以以较低的成本制造出较好的芯片,而那些耗费数十亿美元建立起的厂家,如果设备落后,也将会被生产商所淘汰。



Text three

The Biology of Music

Humans use music as a powerful way to communicate. It may also play an important role in love. But what is music, and how does it work its magic? Science does not yet have all the answers.

What are two things that make humans different from animals? One is language, and the other is music. It is true that some animals can sing (and many birds sing better than a lot of people). However, the songs of animals, such as birds and whales, are very limited. It is also true that humans, not animals, have developed musical instruments. 1

Music is strange stuff. It is clearly different from language. However, people can use music to communicate things — especially their emotions. When music is combined with speech in a song, it is a very powerful form of communication. But, biologically speaking, what is music?

If music is truly different from speech, then we should process music and language in different parts of the brain. The scientific evidence suggests that this is true.

Sometimes people who suffer brain damage lose their ability to process language. However, they don’t automatically lose their musical abilities. For example, Vissarion Shebalin, a Russian composer,had a stroke in 1953. It injured the left side of his brain. He could no longer speak or understand speech. He could, however, still compose music until his death ten years later. On the other hand,sometimes strokes cause people to lose their musical ability, but they can still speak and understand speech. This shows that the brain processes music and language separately.

By studying the physical effects of music on the body,scientists have also learned a lot about how music influences the emotions. But why does music have such a strong effect on us? That is a harder question to answer. Geoffrey Miller, a researcher at University College, London, thinks that music and love have a strong connection. Music requires special talent, practice, and physical ability. That’s why it may be a way of showing your fitness to be someone’s mate. For example, singing in tune or playing a musical instrument requires fine muscular control. You also need a good memory to remember the notes. And playing or singing those notes correctly suggests that your hearing is in excellent condition. Finally, when a man sings to the woman he loves (or vice versa), it may be a way of showing off.

However, Miller’s theory still doesn’t explain why certain combinations of sounds influence our emotions so deeply. For scientists,this is clearly an area that needs further research.


automatically .自动地

note 音符

stroke 中风


1.It is also true that humans, not animals, have developed musical instruments:人研制出了乐器,而动物则不能。Develop:研制,例如:Scientists are developing new drugs to treat cancer.科学家们正在研发新药用以治疗癌症。


1.Humans, but not animals, can sing.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

2.People can use music to communicate their emotions.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

3.We use the same part of the brain for music and language.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

4.Geoffery Miler has done research on music and emotions.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

5.It’s hard for humans to compose music.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

6.Memory is not an important part in singing in tune.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

7.Scientists does not know all the answers about the effects of music on humans.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned


1.B 第二段的第三句:It is true that some animals can sing (and many birds sing better than a lot of people).可以看出有些动物会唱歌,而不只人类会唱歌。

2.A 第三段的第三句:However, people can use music to communicate things — especially their emotions.这句清楚表明,人们可以用音乐来表达情感。

3.B 第四段说明:科学证明人们用大脑的不同区域处理语言和音乐。在第五段,作者用Vissarion Shebalin的例子进一步说明人脑处理语言和音乐的位置不同,Shebalin中风以后不能讲话也听不懂别人的话,但他却能创作乐曲。

4.A 第六段的第四句:Geoffrey Miller, a researcher at University College,London,thinks that music and love have a strong connection.这句说明Miller对音乐和爱(情感)的关系进行了研究,他得出的结论是:音乐和爱有密切的关联。

5.C 文中没有提及创作乐曲是否困难。

6.B 第六段有一句:You also need a good memory to remember the notes.此句说明必须具备好的记忆力记音符才能唱得符合调子。

7.A 最后一段讲的是:科学家们需要做更多的研究才能解释为什么有些声音影响我们的情感会如此之深。也就是说,科学家不能全部解释音乐对人类的影响。



哪两项事物使得人类不同于动物?一个是语言,另一个是音乐。当然一些动物会唱歌 (并且许多鸟唱得比很多人都好听) ,但是,动物的歌声是有限的,比如鸟类和鲸鱼。同样,是人类而不是动物开发出了乐器。



有时,受过脑损伤的人会丧失他们处理语言的能力。但是,他们不会自动地丢失音乐才能。比如,维沙翁·舍巴林,一位苏联作曲家,在1953 年得了中风。他的大脑的左半边受到损害,他再也不能说话或是理解别人的话,但是他仍然能够谱曲,直到十年后他离开人世。另一方面,中风有时会使人们丧失音乐能力,但是他们仍然能够说话也能听懂别人的话。这就说明大脑是分别加了处理音乐和语言的。

通过研究音乐在人身体上的物理效应,科学家也了解到许多关于音乐是如何影响情感的。但是,为什么音乐对我们有如此强烈的影响?这是一个更难回答的问题。伦敦大学学院的研究员杰弗里·米勒认为音乐和爱有紧密的关,音乐需要特殊才能、练习和体能。这也许是一种方式让你展示你适合做某人的伴侣。比如,按调唱歌或者弹奏乐器需要有很好的肌肉控制力。你也需要有好的记忆力来记住音符。能正确地演奏或者唱出这些音符也证明你的听力也非常好。所以,当一个男人唱给他心爱的女人时(反之亦然) 音乐就可能成为一种展示的方式。




There is no such a thing as being ok to have sex before marriage or not.

It really depends on the person that you are asking this question to.

Personally I believe that there is nothing wrong with having sex before marriage.

What I believe is at certain age people will naturally get attracted by their opposite sex and when that time comes most people will follow their true feelings.

Will I have sex before marriage?

The answer is no, this is just my personal preference.

Do I have objection for people that have sex before marriage?

The answer is still no, like I said, this is just their own preferences.

no, i do not think so.

first if you do everything when you live together before marriage, the fresh feeling after marriage will be reduced.

second it will destory the relationship if you can't handle this well.

third if you are a girl ,you maybe get hurt such as pregency which will make your body weaker.

fourth every hunband wants his bride is a virgin.


有的会问一些与生活有关的,如:what's your hobby?但有的会问一些很专业的。



















The Magic Io Personal Digital Pen

1 Check out the io Personal Digital Pen launched by Logitech:It’s a magic pen that can store everything you write and transfer it to your computer. And you don’t have to lug a hand-held device along with you for it to work.1

2 Logitech’s technology works like this:The pen writes normally, using normal ballpoint pen ink2. But while you are writing, a tiny camera inside the pen is also taking 100 snapshots per second of what you are doing3, mapping your writing via a patchwork of minute dots printed on the paper. All this information—the movement of your pen on the paper, basically — is then stored digitally inside the pen, whether you are writing notes or drawing complex diagrams. You can store up to 40 pages worth of doodles in the pen’s memory. As far as you are concerned4, you are just using a normal pen.

3 It is only when you drop the pen into its PC-connected cradle that the fun begins. Special software on your PC will figure out what you have done, and begin to download any documents you have written since the last time it was there. Depending on whether you have ticked certain boxes on the special notepad, it can also tell whether the document is destined to be an e-mail, a “to do” task, or a diagram to be ed into a word-processing document. Once the documents are downloaded you can view them, print them out or convert them to other formats.

4 The io Personal Digital Pen is a neat and simple solution to the problem of storing, sharing and retrieving handwritten notes, as well as for handling diagrams, pictures and other non-text doodling. You don’t have to carry a laptop along with you. All you have to do is just whip out the pen and the special paper and you are off5.

5 It is a great product because it does not force you to work differently—walking around with a screen strapped to your arm, or carrying with you extra bits and pieces. The pen is light and works like a normal pen if you need it to, while the special notepads look and feel like notepads. The only strange looks will be from people who are curious why you are writing with a cigar.

6 The io Personal Digital Pen also has potential elsewhere. FedEx6, for example, is introducing a version of the pen so that customers can fill out forms by hand — instead of punching letters into cumbersome devices. Once that data is digital more or less anything can be done with it — transferring it wirelessly to a central computer, for example, or via a hand-phone. Doctors could tran *** it their prescriptions direct to pharmacies, reducing fraud; policemen could send their reports back to the station, reducing paperwork.


lug 吃力地携带 snapshot快照 patchwork 拼凑的东西,杂絵

doodle 信手写就的资料 cradle 座,支架 download 下载

tick 打上小记号 notepad 记事本 destined 预定的

laptop 笔记本电脑,膝上电脑 whip 猛地拔出 strap 用带扣住

cumbersome 麻烦的

pharmacy 药房


1.And you don’t have to lug a hand-held device along with you for it to work:to work是动词不定式,用作目的状语,修饰lugb for it是work的逻辑主语。it指代io Personal Digital Pen。

2.ballpoint pen ink:圆珠笔墨水

3.a tiny camera inside the pen is also taking 100 snapshots per second of what you are doing:is also taking 100 snapshots和of what you are doing之间插入了per second。

4.As far as you are concerned:就你而言

5.…you are off:……你就能开始工作了



1.Paragraph 2 _________.

2.Paragraph 3 _________.

3.Paragraph 5 _________.

4.Paragraph 6 _________.

A A Friendly and Convenient Device

B Ways to Download the Stored Information

C Examples of Other Potential Applications of the Io Pen

D Customers’ Passion for the Io Pen

E FedEx the First User of the Io Pen

F Working Principles of the Io Personal Digital Pen

5.There is no need to learn how to use the io Personal Digital Pen because _________.

6.If you want to download what you have done with the magic pen, _________.

7.The magic pen is particularly convenient when you work away from home or office because _________.

8.No matter what you write or draw, _________

A you don’t have to carry your laptop along

B the information will be shown digitally on the pen

C FedEx has special software to store your information

D it works like an ordinary pen

E you simply place the pen into its computer-connected cradle

F the movement of your pen is recorded digitally inside the pen


1.F 第二段介绍神奇笔的工作原理。笔内装有一个摄像头,把写的字或画的图转换为数码,存储在笔内的记忆装置里。

2.B 第三段介绍把神奇笔存储的信息下载到电脑中的过程,其中很重要的一个设备是将笔与电脑相连接的cradle(笔座)。

3.A 第五段介绍神奇笔的优越性,使用的方式和使用普通笔一样,不用携带显示屏,不用带附件。所以,这段的内容可以概括为A friendly and convenient device。

4.C 最后一段列举了有可能使用神奇笔的其他地方。

5.D 文章中多处都提到the io Personal Digital Pen用起来很方便,普通的笔怎么用,the io Personal Digital Pen也怎么用。因此,it works like an ordinary pen是答案。

6.E download和使用cradle的内容可在第三段之一句、第二句中找到。

7.A 题干中的convenient和when you work away from home or office提示我们要选A。第五段之一句说,外出时不用携带显示屏或附件。

8.F 第二段第三句是选F的依据。









text three

Is There a Way to Keep the Britain's Economy Growing?

In today's knowledge economy, nations survive on the things they do best. Japanese design electronics while Germans export engineering techniques. The French serve the best food and Americans make computers.

Britain specializes in the gift of talking. The nation doesn't manufacture much of anything. But it has lawyers, stylists and business consultants who earn their living from talk, talk and more talk.

The World Foundation think tank says the UK's four iconic jobs today are not scientists, engineers,teachers and nurses. Instead, they're hairdressers, celebrities, management consultants and managers.

But can all this talking keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can.

Although the country's trade deficit was more than —— 60 billion in 2006, UK's largest in the postwar period, officials say the country has nothing to worry about. In fact, Britain does have a world-class pharmaceutical industry, and it still makes a *** all sum from selling arms abroad. It also trades services accountancy, insurance, banking and advertising. The government believes Britain is on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy. After all, the country of Shakespeare and Wordsworth has a literary tradition of which to be proud. Rockn' roll is an English language medium, and there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands. In other words, the creative economy has plenty of strength to carry the British economy.

However, creative industries account for only about 4 percent of UK's exports of goods and services. The industries are finding it hard to make a profit, according to a report of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts. The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in "innovation activities", 3 percentage points below the EU average and well below Germany (61 percent) and Sweden (47 percent).

In fact, it might be better to call Britain a "servant" economy -- there are at least 4 million people "in service". The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook,clean, and take care of their children. Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree. Most employment growth has been, and will continue to be, at the low-skill end of the service sector -- in shops, bars, hotels, domestic service and in nursing and care homes.

36. According to the World Foundation think tank, one of the iconic jobs in Britain today is

A. law makers.

B. business consultants.

C. home servants.

D. school teachers.

37. The phrase "the cutting edge" in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

A. the most popular.

B. the most political.

C. the most advanced.

D. the proudest.

38. The officials are not worried about the trade deficit in 2006, because they believe

A. Britain is home to the largest pharmaceutical industry in the world.

B. the literary tradition of Britain will help make billions of pounds.

C. Britain is one cutting edge of the knowledge economy.

D. the world economy is strong enough to carry the Britain economy.

39. Which of the following is true about the creative industries in Britain?

A. They contribute a lot to the country's trade deficit.

B. They are not doing as well as those in other European nations. '

C. They can't make a profit out of their innovation activities.

D. They make Britain on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy.

40. It can be inferred from the passage that

A. the gift of talking can keep the British economy growing.

B. the British government is over-confident in its economy.

C. the British economy is the least innovative one in the EU.

D. being a servant to the rich is one of the best jobs in Britain.

text four

What's Killing the Bats

First it was bees. Now it is bats. Biologists in America are working hard to discover the cause of the mysterious deaths of tens of thousands of bats in the northeastern part of the country. Most of the bats affected are the common little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), but other species, such as the long-eared bat, the *** all-footed hat, the eastern pipistrelle, and the Indiana bat have also been affected. In some cases, more than 90 percent of the bat populations have died.

One possibility is disease. A white fungus (真菌) known as fusarium has been found on the noses of both living and dead bats. However, scientists don't know if the fungus is the primary cause of death, a secondary cause of death, or not a cause at all, but the result of some other conditions.

Another possible cause is a lack of food. For example, bats typically eat a large number of moths (蛾), and in some states such as New York, the number of moths has been declining in recent years. If bats can't eat enough food, they starve to death.

Still other scientists believe that global warming is to blame. Warmer temperatures in recent years have been waking up hibernating (冬眠) bats earlier than usual. If bats break their hibernation at the wrong time, they might not find their expected food sources. The weather might also turn cold again and weaken or kill the bats.

Scientists might not agree on the causes of the bat die-off, but they do agree on the consequences.

Bats are an important predator of mosquitoes; a single brown bat can eat 1,000 or more insects in an hour. They also eat beetles and other insects that damage plant crops. If there aren't enough bats, damage will be great from the insects theyeat. While bats live a long time for their size -- the little brown bat can live for more than 30 years- a female bat has only one baby per year, so bat populations grow slowly. Many bat species in the United States are already protected or endangered.

How can you help? Do not disturb sleeping or nesting bats. If you discover bate that seem to be sick or that are dead, contact your local Fish Wildlife Department with the details. However, be careful not to touch the animals.

31. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. All species of bats in North America are dying.

B. Scientists already know the cause of the deaths of bats.

C. The bat deaths are a serious problem.

D. There are many possible causes of the deaths of bats.

32. What does the first sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Bees have been dying mysteriously.

B. The first article on the website is about bees.

C. Bees usually die before bats.

D. It was bees that caused the deaths of bats.

33. The word "pipistrelle" in Paragraph 1 refers to

A. a kind of fungus.

B. an area in the U.S.

C. a special cave.

D. a kind of bat.

34. The "moths" in Paragraph 3 are taken as an example of

A. diseases that kill bats.

B. Insects that bats eat.

C. animals that have diseases.

D. bat species that are starving to death.

35. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To get people to stop killing bats.

B. To hire workers for the Fish Wildlife Department.

C. To ask people not to touch dead bats.

D. To tell the public how to help bats.


part C

Medical Education

In 18th century colonial America, those who wanted to become physicians either learned as personal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in the traditional schools of London, Paris and Edinburgh. Medicine was first taught formally by specialists at the University of Pennsylvania, beginning in 1765, and in 1767 at King's College (now Columbia University), the first institution in the colonies to give the degree of doctor of medicine.

Following the American Revolution, the Columbia medical faculty (formerly of King's College) was combined with the College of Physicians and Surgeons, chartered in 1809, which survives as a division of Columbia University.

In 1893 the Johns Hopkins Medical School required all applicants to have a college degree and was the first to afford its students the opportunity to further their training in an attached teaching hospital. The growth of medical schools attached with established institutions of learning went together with the development of proprietary (私营的 ) schools of medicine run for personal profit, most of which had 10W standards and poor facilities. In 1910 Abraham Flexner, the American education reformer, wrote Medical Education in the United States and Canada, exposing the poor conditions of most proprietary schools. Subsequently, the American Medical Association(AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) laid down standards for course content, qualifications of teachers, laboratory facilities, connection with teaching hospitals,and licensing of medical practitioners (开业医师) that survive to this day.

By the late 1980s the U.S. and Canada had 1,424 medical colleges recognized by the Liaison(联络) Committee on Medical Education to offer the M. D. degree; during the 1987-1988 academic year, 47,262 men and 25,686 women entered these colleges and an estimated 11,752 men and 5,958 women were graduated. Graduates, after a year of internship ( 实习期 ) , receive licenses to practice if they pass an examination given either by a state board or by the National Board of Medical Examiners.

1. In 18th century America, higher institutions of learning that taught medicine __________.

A. did not exist

B. were few in number

C. were better than those in Europe

D. were known for their teaching hospitals

2. Initially most proprietary schools of medicine in America __________.

A. had established professionals

B. had good facilities

C. had high standards

D. were in poor conditions

3. The AMA and AAMC established standards so as to __________.

A. recruit more students

B. set up more schools of medicine

C. ensure the quality of medical teaching and practice

D. prevent medical schools from making huge profits

4. After a year of internship medical graduates can start to practice __________.

A. if they have worked in a laboratory

B. if they have studied abroad for some time

C. if they have obtained an M. D. degree

D. if they have passed an examination

5. This passage is mainly about __________.

A. how medicine is taught in America

B. how medical education has developed in America

C. how the American educational system works

D. how one can become a good doctor


part A

1. C。细节题。题干:研究的目标是发现新的 *** 来 __________。利用题干关键词可以定位到短文的第二段,提到了此项研究的goal,即aim,这便是learning new ways to treat or prevent illness。

2. D。细节题。题干:研究者收集了下列东西,除了 __________。利用题干关键词可以定位到短文的第四段。第四项应该是“参加研究的妇女及其婴儿家中的空气与水等物质”,而


3. A。细节题。题干:通过研究,国家的医疗费用期望可以 __________。利用题干关键词可以定位到短文的第六段,即预计从长远的角度讲,此项研究将有利于节约国家卫生保健费用的开支。

4. B。细节题。题干:参与者的婴儿会被跟踪调查 __________。利用题干关键词可以定位到短。文的倒数第三段,即这些婴儿将从出生前一直被跟踪到21岁。

5. D。细节题。题干:下列关于研究参与者的说法哪一项是不正确的?利用题干关键词可以定位到最后一段。前三项在短文的最后一段都有提及,只有第四项是错误的,因为研究对象都是怀孕的妇女,不可能是所有年龄段的人们。

part B

1. A。细节题。题干:为什么远古的火山爆发比近期的火山爆发破坏性更大?利用题干关键词可以定位到之一段:古代的火山更具破坏力,不是因为它们更大,而是因为它们释放出的二氧化碳更能轻易地毁灭生命。

2. D。细节题。题干:Wignall是如何计算出远古火山爆发的杀伤力的?利用题干关键词可以定位到第二段。第二段有这样一句话:He calculated the“killing efficiency”for these volcanoes by comparing the proportion of life they killed off with the volume of lava that they produced.(他通过比较火山释放出的熔岩的体积与杀死生命的比例计算这些火山的杀伤力)。

3. D。细节题。题干:恐龙是什么时候灭绝的?利用题干关键词可以定位到第三段。其中有这么一句话:He ignored the extinction which wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago,because many scientists believe it was primarily caused by the impact of an asteroid.(他没有提及6500万年前恐龙的灭绝,因为许多科学家相信恐龙的灭绝是受一颗小行星的影响)。

4. D。细节题。题干:从第三段还可以推导出有关恐龙的什么样的信息?在讨论第三题的答案时,我们已经注意到了,Wignall没有提6500万年前恐龙的灭绝是否跟火山爆发有关,因为许多科学家相信恐龙的灭绝是受一颗小行星的影响。这就说明,关于恐龙灭绝的原因在科学家之间是有争议的。

5. B。主旨题。问题问的是:文章的主要论点是什么?答案在文章的之一句:Volcanoes were more destructive in ancient history(古代火山更具破坏力)。

part C

1. B。细节题。题干:在18世纪的美国,教授医学的'高等学习机构 __________。利用题干关键词可以定位到文章之一段,可知在18世纪的美国,医学院校寥寥无几。如果有人想当医生,就要跟专业人员私下学,或者出国学习。直到1765年,才首次有高等院校正式开设医学课程。

2. D。细节题。题干:最初多数的私营医学院 __________。利用题目顺序与段落顺序一致的原则和题干关键词可以定位到文章第二段中的第二句,即早期的私营医学院校大都标准不高,设备较差。

3. C。细节题:AMA and AAMC设立了标准,以便 __________。利用题干中的专有名词可以定位到文章第二段的最后一句,即AMA与AAM制订了一系列标准,以保证医学教学与实践的质量。

4. D。细节题。经过一年实习的毕业生可以开始 __________。利用题干关键词可以定位到文章的最后一段,即医学毕业生经过一年的实习期后,要通过州或国家的相关考试,方可获取行医执照。

5. B。主旨题。题干:这篇文章主要是关于 __________。从文章的题目和内容可知,全文重点探讨的是美国医学教育的历史沿革。